Data For Decision Makers Reports
- To generate a Data for Decision Makers (DDM) report, select the geographic level you're interested in from the map images, then select the report topic and the city, county, or region you are interested in and click download.
- County Data for Decision Makers User's Guide
- City Data for Decision Makers User's Guide
- Health Data for Decision Makers User's Guide
Iowa Retail Trade Analysis Reports
- Download the Retail Trade Analysis Reports for select cities and counties in Iowa.
County Trends Data Report
- Download the County Trends Data Report for trends in indicators for select counties in Iowa.
City Trends Data Report
- Download the City Trends Data Reports for trends in indicators for select cities in Iowa.
City Outstanding Debt Obligation
- Download the Outstanding Debt Obligation Reports for select cities in Iowa.
City Taxable Valuations
- Download the Taxable Valuations Reports for select cities in Iowa.
City General Fund Revenues and Expenditures
- Download the City General Fund Revenues and Expenditures for select cities in Iowa.
- Dashboard tool of City General Fund Expenditure by Budget Category for cities in Iowa.
2020 Utility Rate Survey
Iowa Small Towns Project Reports
AgMRC Commodity Reports
- AgMRC Commodity reports can be used as preliminary research in determining current production, market analysis, demographics, and price points.
Health Snapshot Series
- Explore data in the Interactive dashboard.
- Download the County Health Snapshot Series report for counties in Iowa. .
- Download the City Health Snapshot Series report for cities in Iowa. .
Iowa Government Finance Initiative
- Annual Fiscal Conditions Reports for Iowa Counties
- Annual Fiscal Conditions Reports for Iowa Cities
- Debt Analysis Report for Iowa Cities
Income and Economic
- Iowa Income Trends: 1949 - 2023
- Iowa Income Trends: 1949 - 2015
- Rural Iowa at a Glance 2016 Edition
- Income Trends for Iowa Farmers and Farm Families 2003-2015
- Household Income Trends in Iowa and the U.S., 2005-2015: Rural versus Urban Differences
- Iowa Wealth Transfer Study Report (2016)
- Iowa Wealth Transfer Study Report (2004)
- A Snapshot of Rural Iowa
- Women in Agriculture: Farms, Operations, Demographics, 2012 Census of Agriculture
Poverty Measures Training Material
Youth, Race, Ethnicity, Language Trends and Data
Population Reports:
- Urban and Rural Population in Iowa’s Counties, 1940 - 2020
- Educational Attainment in Iowa: 1940 - 2021
- Race and Hispanic or Latino in Iowa’s Counties, 2000 - 2020
- Race and Hispanic Origin in Iowa, 1980 - 2020
- Population in Iowa’s Counties, 2000 - 2020
- Population in Iowa’s Extension Regions, 2000 - 2020
- Population in Iowa, 1840 - 2020
- Population in the United States, 2000 - 2020
- City - Decennial Census 2020 Data
- County - Decennial Census 2020 Data
- ISU Extension Regions - Decennial Census 2020 Data
- Estimated Population in Iowa's Counties 2000-2016
- Estimated Population in Iowa's Counties 2000-2015
- Estimated Population in Iowa's Counties 2000-2014
- Population: Iowa's Counties 1990-2010
- Race and Hispanic Origin in Iowa: 1980-2015
- Population 18 and Older and 17 and Younger in Iowa's Counties, 2000-2010
- Countryside and Town: Population in Iowa's Counties Within and Outside of Incorporates Places, 1990-2010
- Households, Family Structure, Non-Family Households, and Group Quarters Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, 1950-2010
- Population by Age and Sex: 1970, 2010, and 2030
- Components of County Population Change, 2010-2018
- Population Growth in the Midwest: Urban and Rural Dimensions, 2000-2009
- Components of 2000-2009 Population Change by State
- Components of County Population Change, 2000-2009
- Exploring the Skills Gap in Iowa
- Net Domestic Migration, 2020-2021
- Net International Migration, 2020-2021
- Total Population Change, 2020-2021
- Natural Population Change, 2020-2021
- Net Migration Change, 2020-2021
- Components of Midwestern Population Change, 2010-19
- 2020 Census Results for Iowa's Cities