AgMRC Commodity Reports

These reports are intended to be used as preliminary research in determining current production, price points, and market analysis for various commodities throughout the U.S. This information can be useful when applying for grants or loans from financial institutions. Value Added Producer Grant (VAPG) applicants can utilize this market intelligence and easily incorporate it into feasibility studies and business plans that support the application process. These report should never replace further due diligence by the applicant.

Reports are provided as static PDF reports or interactive Tableau dashboards (new reports are currently being added). PDF reports can be downloaded for the various commodities at the national, state or county level. Interactive Tableau dashboards are only available at the state level at this time but allow you to explore the data further by interacting with the graphs and charts.

Other Resources:

  • AgMRC: a national tool for value-added agriculture resources.
  • MarketMaker: a national network connecting farmers with consumers and retailers.
  • USDA AMS: Specialty Crops Market News (formerly Fruit and Vegetable Market News) reports have provided an exchange of information among growers, shippers, wholesalers, and others on current supplies, demand, and prices of over 400 fresh fruit, vegetable, nut, ornamental, and other specialty crops.
  • Indicators Program: The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Indicators Program provides data and information for decision makers at the local, regional, and state levels. The program is composed of three signature components: a Data Portal, the Data for Decision Makers publications, and Data Literacy training.
  • Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Farm, Food and Enterprise Development (FFED) : supports value-added agriculture enterprises, businesses and regional food systems through research, education and community engagement.

AgMRC Commodity Report

These reports can be used as preliminary research in determining current production, market analysis, demographics, and price points.

State and County may take several seconds to render

AgMRC Commodity Reports are developed by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Indicators Program

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